When You Don’t Use Your Bachelors Degree

Recently, I started doing “writing prompts” with someone, and the one for this week is “Write about a passage of Scripture that was influential to you and why”.  Here is what came to mind: 


I have Bachelors of Arts in Vocal Performance. Many of my undergrad years were spent studying music theory, faking my way through sight-reading, rehearsing endless hours in a piano room, and entertaining/annoying my friends with “Shower Time with Betty” when-no lie-I’d sing Disney songs while in the shower, and they’d gather in the common area to listen & sing-along.

And then I graduated, and 100% of my jobs since graduation have not required nor even preferred a degree in music. How do I feel about all of those hours on stage, in rehearsals, and in a green room? How do I feel about the random information stored in my head about picardy thirds, Porgy & Bess, and how to find and secure the ideal practice room?

I discovered how I feel about all that while reading through the book of 1 Samuel a few years ago. Matt Chandler (a pastor/speaker/author I wish was my friend) said this to summarize where we’re at in Israel’s history:

And then Israel began to grumble again. It’s weird. They started to complain again. Here’s what they were whining about. ”We’re tired of hearing directly from You, God. We want a king. Give us a king, not just a leader. Because the other nations have kings.“ And so God gives them a king, a man named Saul. People Magazine 930 B.C. voted him ”Sexiest Man Alive.“ Saul is a foot taller than everyone else, he’s the best hunter they have and other men feel like lesser men in his presence. He is made king, and it does not take him long to believe the hype about himself. He falls out of favor with God, and God anoints another to be king, David. Now David plays the harp, but you’re not going to jack with him. When he goes and hears Goliath talking noise, he goes to fight him and the rest of the soldiers start mocking him a bit. He says to them, ”God gave me the lion, He gave me the bear; He’ll give me the head of this dog.“ So David’s going, ”I’ve killed a lion and a bear, and both of those were by God’s power and God’s might. God will give me this fool’s head.“ So he plays the harp, but you’re not going to go, ”Hey, harp boy!“ Because you’ll lose your teeth. So in the end, David plays the harp, but he’s a man after God’s own heart.

Doesn’t he have such a way with words? 🙂 So I’m reading 1 Samuel 16 and it gets to verse 18 and it says, “One of the young men answered [Saul], “Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the Lord is with him.” So Saul says that sounds great! Bring him here! He ends up loving David as a musician and thusly allows David to stay in the King’s court.

That is what was so incredibly impactful to me.

Let me explain, we all know the rest of David’s story. He didn’t stay a full-time musician, he didn’t become a world renowned harpist. God continued using his gift of musicianship and artistry in many ways (cough cough entire book of Psalms), but God’s purpose and plan for David’s life was far greater than his musical aptitude. God used David’s musicianship as the ship that sailed him into the port that was to develop him into the man God called him to be. The man that would lead Israel. The man that would defeat Goliath. The man that would repent deeply after sinning grievously. The man that would, through the power of the Holy Spirit, compose scripture. The man that was after God’s own heart. The man from whose lineage came the True and Better Adam.

God used music as the vehicle that took David into the palace. There God developed a beautiful relationship between Johnathon and David, the likes of which has never been seen on any other page of Scripture. God used David’s musicianship as a vehicle to get him into the palace to show him the inter-workings of the kingdom, of affairs of war, and how to interact with other countries’ noble man. Music is what God used, but it wasn’t the end goal.

Pretentious as this may sound, though humble I long to be, I feel like my life in a very small way parallels that of David’s. Hardship as a child, a skill and love for music that took me to a place that transformed me, namely my college, and a life marked by both failure and a heart for God. At LBC I was developed and sought after as a musician. However, God used my time there on such a grander scale. He developed friendships with Emerald and with Amy that have transformed me forever. He gave me an opportunity to observe, experience, and execute intentional & righteous leadership that has prepared me for the role in which I am currently serving. I learned perseverance. I developed passions. My mind’s eyes were transformed in how I see myself, others, and God himself.

The point wasn’t the palace, the point wasn’t the harp, the point was who God was creating in the palace because of the harp. Likewise for me, the point wasn’t Lancaster Bible College, the point wasn’t vocal performance, the point was the person in me God was creating at Lancaster Bible College because of vocal performance.


How Did Your College Education Shape You?

I have a Bachelors in Biblical Studies, a Bachelors in Music Performance, and a Masters in Leadership from Lancaster Bible College & Capital Bible Seminary. I now work at The Factory Ministries in Paradise, PA as the Youth Center Director—working mostly with teenagers in poverty to introduce them to Christ and help equip them to lead healthy lives. 

In some ways, my time and major at LBC did not “prepare” me for my responsibilities as a Youth Center Director. My studies did not teach me how to budget for events, or how to respond to suicidal students, or how to recruit committed volunteers. Fortunately, my education experience at LBC was so much more than information, content, and job prep. 

My time at LBC instilled in me a love for learning, showed me the value of introspection, and cultivated my love for knowing God.  My time at LBC inspired a love for ministry, molded my work-ethic, and gave me the opportunity to be invested in by amazing, godly men & women. My time at LBC rooted my faith in understanding and discipline, and sparked a desire and confidence to share the good news of the Gospel with anyone who will listen! These passions, values, and skills have been imperative to my work at the Youth Center. 

My ministry at the Factory Youth Center is so wonderfully centered on building relationships. I have the privilege of investing in relationships with the teens that come to the Youth Center, with my team of volunteers, with teachers and administration in our school district, as well as with local church and business leaders. We believe that all significant life change happens through significant relationships, and that the gospel travels best over bridges of relationships. I see that very truth modeled in my own life through my experience at Lancaster Bible College. My moments of significant life change didn’t occur during programs or events. The lessons I cling closest to today aren’t because of their astounding content. When I really reflect on who I am today, and how I do ministry–it’s greatly because of the people, the relationships I formed during my years at Lancaster Bible College. 

I am the woman, and therefore the ministry leader I am today because of Dr. Teague’s humility, Dr. Bigley’s kindness, Dr. Soden’s brilliance, Dr.Sidebothum’s tenderness, Amy’s friendship, Emerld’s prayers, Josh’s passion, Kim’s accountability, Mandi’s encouragement, Timmy’s example, Kristen’s steadfastness, Jess’s patience, Carrissa’s thoughtfulness, and Judy’s support-just to name a few. My time at Lancaster Bible College-through education and relationships-shaped who I am, how I think, and what I value. I am beyond thankful to be the Youth Center Director at The Factory Ministries, and beyond thankful that God used my time at Lancaster Bible College to prepare me to do the work He has for me there.


A New Adventure: Cross Country Coaching

My heart is incredibly full right now. And much of that is due to the fact that it is preseason, and God has given me the awesome privilege of being the Assistant Coach for Lancaster Bible College’s Men’s and Women’s Cross Country teams.

I love running. I get giddy when my Runner’s World magazine comes in the mail. I try to convince all my friends to meet me to run together. I love waking up just before the sun to run in the cool, early mornings.

And I love Lancaster Bible College students. I look forward to filling my schedule with lunch appointments and coffee dates to hear about all that God is teaching them through class and chapels. Pride wells up in me throughout the school year as I watch them flourish in sports, music, and campus leadership. I love scrolling through social media and seeing their joy in their LBC experiences.

And God, in His perfect timing and grace, chose to unite both of those passions this season.

Charger Cross Country

I have the joy of working with a head coach who deeply loves the Lord, his family, running, and discipleship. Coach Hamm is knowledgeable, personable, and incredibly hard-working.

The runners are each a gift from God. Below are the notes I took during our brainstorming session earlier this week. These were their responses when asked, “What do you want Cross Country to be this year?”

Team Brainstorm 2015

They don’t want to complain, or compare themselves to others. They want to be known for their God honoring attitudes and work ethics. They want to represent Christ to the teams we compete against, and to each other at every practice and meet. They want to improve. To set goals. To see progess. To push themselves and each other in a healthy, encouraging way. They want to integrate glorifying God through our sport in everything, finding spiritual parallels everywhere they look. They want to be holisticaly healthy in their running, stretching, eating, and sleeping. They want to care for each other well, hold each accountable, and spend time together.

I am beyond excited for this season, and this team that God has brought together.

Soli Deo Gloria

Follow us on twitter? 🙂 https://twitter.com/LBCCrossCountry


Why I’m Passionate About Lancaster Bible College

“If Christianity is to capture the people of this land, the theologian must become an evangelist, and the evangelist must become a scholar, and intellect and emotion must go hand in hand.” -William Barclay

I want the gospel to spread like wildfire. So at work I strive everyday to find students who will help fulfill that Great Commission. I help get them to LBC knowing that while they are here, we will aim to train them as scholars AND evangelists-to speak the truth in love to everyone the Lord brings their way.

Core Values and Goals

Why a Short Term Trip to Spain?

Hello readers! I thought it might be fun to keep you sporadically  updated on some of my journey to Spain! Below is an email I sent to our team reminding them of why we are going. This is not a vacation, nor is it simply to “experience a new culture”. We  have a goal and we have a purpose. 

Dear Teammates,

I am beyond excited that God is opening up the doors for us to travel to Spain together this summer. Above all things, our passion and drive in life is the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this beautiful, true story of God’s redeeming plan through Christ-there is hope for the entire world. We must never forget that this is at the center of what we do. GOD reconciled us (vile humanity!) to Himself! Though we deserve to spend life and death without Him, He made a way for us to be with him. We can find absolute joy, total fulfillment, and perfect love in relationship with him. How can we keep this to ourselves?

People in Spain, just like people here in Lancaster, are missing out on this incredible opportunity. Their pasts are full of heartache -with no one to heal their scars. Their lives are full of empty pleasures-with no one offering true satisfaction. Their futures are destined to be ultimately purposeless and painful-with no one to give them hope.

Team-we know the Great Healer.

We know the One who made the human heart and can satisfy it.

We know the Author and Creator of Hope.

I understand that it is a daunting task, in our finite minds, to raise $2,900 each (though this is merely chump change to our God!). I understand it is uncomfortable to ask people for money (though they get to partner with us in the furtherance of the gospel-what a gift for them!). I understand it is scary to travel to a land where we don’t know the language (yet :)) and are strangers. But we do not do this, or ask for support, for ourselves, for our gain-but for something much greater than ourselves.

So that missionaries in Spain are revitalized and strengthened to speak boldly and often-we give up 2 weeks of our summer and travel thousands of miles.

So that more Spaniards will know that through grace alone there is salvation-we raise support.

So that more Spaniards will hear the truth that God is all satisfying, perfectly just, and incredibly merciful-we pray steadfastly.

Team, can you make it a point to pray every day for this trip? Some days may be short, some days I hope are long-but please pray. Pray for the Tempeltons and the 200,000 Christians in Spain. Pray for the 47 million in Spain who today destined for a Godless eternity in hell. Pray for our team. Pray for our givers and senders. Pray for our churches. Pray that when we return-the Lord will use us to inspire others (or ourselves) to go and serve and proclaim Him in Europe.

Also, do not wait for Spain to start sharing the gospel with boldness. Start now. If you don’t do it here-you certainly won’t be prepared to do it there.

Prayerful and Excited,


“The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” Timothy Keller

This Bible verse reminds me of the song "That The World May Know" by Central Worship in Mt. Vernon!

"May we be faithful followers of Christ, examples of righteousness, thus becoming lights in the world." -Thomas S. Monson

Also, as a side note-I downloaded (for FREE!) the app “Memrise” on my phone to help me learn (and re-learn) some Spanish. It’s awesome!  They use quite a few different methods of memorization and mnemonic devices to help vocabulary stick! I also subscribe to this youtube channel and listen to it while I run sometimes! 

I am excited to keep you updated on all that the Lord does during our trip to Spain. Who knows the amazing things He may have in store?! Thank you for journeying with me 🙂