
Betty Catherine-Michelle Pompell

Education: Public School all my life! Then BS in Biblical Studies, BA in Music Performance, Lancaster Bible College (’12), MA in Ministry–Leadership Studies, Lancaster Bible College (’14)

Hometown: Hagerstown, MD

You might be surprised that I: Ran my first marathon in April (2015)!

Fun Facts:

  • I’ve never broken a bone
  • I’m distantly related to Benjamin Franklin
  • I looooove quotes
  • I’m (almost!) always up to try something new
  • There are not many things more wonderful to me than being a good book and a iced coffee (DD’s Iced Caramel w/ cream is my personal fave)…well unless I’m with a good book, a good friend, MY JOURNAL ❤ and an iced coffee
  • I’ve performed in Disney World twice (there I met Uncle Jesse-John Stamos)

Salvation:  Let’s face it, the only cool thing about me, is Christ. I came to know and trust Him when I was 8 years old, after I was adopted into a Christian family who taught me about Him. Through the power of the gospel and their unconditional love, my life was completely changed! I fail Him so often, yet He is so loving, so kind, and so good to me. I am forever grateful that He chose to let me love Him.

Search “His Point of View” to read my full Autobiography!

My goals: I want to invest in younger women to help them root their value and purpose deep in the gospel. I want to grow in holiness, to look more like our gracious Triune God, and to understand Him better. I want to represent Christ and His bride, the church, in a beautiful, steadfast covenant of marriage. I want to share the gospel well every chance I get-till all have heard! If I can do these things in life-what a blessing from the Lord!

Favorite Lancaster Restaurant: Oh no! There are so many good ones! But I would have to go with Rachel’s Creperie in Downtown Lancaster! The Chicken Thai is so good!

Pieces of Advice: Find a committed mentor! Try journaling! Be ruthlessly jealous about your alone time with the Lord! 🙂

About my job! I’m at The Factory Youth Center  to be a solution-finding, question-answering, encouraging, advocate, friend, prayer warrior, and counselor to the teens that come to our events. I get to mentor a pretty amazing group of volunteers who also invest in these young people, and share the love of Christ with them week after week.

About my future: Oh, I have no idea. I haven’t the slightest idea what He is planning on doing with my life. I am just trying to be faithful in all the things He has given me now and not worry about what tomorrow may hold! We’ll see what crazy plans He has up His sleeves. I’m not too stressed about it, but I am very eager to see what He’s got cooking! 🙂

Closing Thoughts: Lest I think that the “success” of this blog is based on my own strength, I pray for every post that God brings who HE wants to read my blog to read it. So when I pour out what I think is brilliance (ha.) and only 4 people read it-I praise God for those 4 and trust that there was no one else that He had me write it for. And when 500 people read a post, I remind myself that it has nothing to do with me, and that God, in His grace, chose to use the words that He gave me to encourage (I pray!) those particular people.

Feel free to message/comment me if you have anything in particular you would like to see me write about! I’d love to hear your ideas! Thanks for reading 🙂


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20 thoughts on “-About-

  1. 0over0 says:

    Hello, thanks for following my blog. I like your last paragraph; it’s very important, I think, to integrate education with spirituality, and I’m glad to hear that you are doing so at LBC.

  2. monniiee says:

    Hi Betty, I’m Simone. I promise I’m not spamming you and I’m not a robot. I’m on the hunt with wordpress for Christians who, for lack of a better term, are ‘real people’. It’s a project I’m working on and I really want to give a good representation of who we really are, not just what the world thinks we are. I plan on doing that by profiling as many followers of Christ as I can. I can literally feel your passion for Christ in every word and I would absolutely love to have you as a part of this project. If you’re interested let me know. If not, not biggie thanks. My email is monniieesblog@gmail.com and my blog page is monniiee.wordpress.com just in case you want to check and make sure I’m not a creeper

  3. 1uniqueteen says:

    Hey Betty! I really like your blog! And this intro has a really neat format, you seem like a really cool person 🙂 I just wanted to say that it’s super neat that you’re adopted. I’ve had a heart for adoption since I was really little and because of the way God designed me, if I want to have kids( which I do), I’ll need to pursue adoption. Blessings! ~Rachel

  4. bettycatherine says:

    Hi Rachel! I am so glad you have a heart for adoption-God does too! 😉 I hope you get to adopt one day! Thank you so much for your encouragement! I’m sure you are a cool person too! 😀

  5. Codi says:

    Hi I’ve nominated you for the Sisterhood Award. I appreciate how you are spreading Jesus for the world to see. See my post today. 🙂

  6. Theron St. John says:

    I just came across your blog. I am a student at Capital Seminary (their Indy site). Nevertheless, I read a few posts and was encouraged and edified. I enjoy writing as well and pointing people to Christ through my writing. Thank you! Looking forward to future posts.

  7. Jocelyn says:

    Thank you for your blog. I just finished Genesis and came across your blog to view others thoughts on finishing Genesis. And I just loved what you wrote and shared. Thus, giving me the push to start my own blog.(because I was procrastinating) 🙂 Thank you for the God in you and continue to be that beacon of light for others.

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