How to Run-A Beginner’s Guide

After my last blog post on running, I had a reader-miss lucillethebrave1- comment and ask, “How did you get to a point of being able to run for more than 3 minutes and work your way up?”

Well, that is a great question!

The simply answer is: I just kept running.

Need A Little Motivation? : theBERRY

The more you run, the better you will get at running. In a way-that’s all there is.

But additionally I was fortunate to have a patient, dear, athletic friend the spring semester of my freshmen year in college, believe in me. Kristina was a star on our girl’s soccer team, and a beautiful, bubbily, brunet, Jesus-loving freshman as well. At some point while we were hanging out, I voiced how I wished that I could run-but alas, I couldn’t even run a mile. Kristina-in an excited, joyful spirit told me, “Of course you can!”.

“No Kristina, really. I can’t. I tried last semester, and didn’t last over 3 minutes.”

She was not shaken, “No, Betty, I am SURE you can do it! I could do it with you! I will literally run beside you the entire time, and together you will run a mile.”

And for some reason, I was up for the challenge. I put on the gear and met her outside just a few days later. She set some ground rules, the primary one being: do not stop running.

“I don’t care how slowly we run, Betty-we are running an entire mile”.

And so we did. Off we went and she coached me the entire 15-20 minute jog. She told me not to clench my fists, to lean into the hills, to open my stride on the way down the hills. And though by the end of the mile my lungs were on fire, I was short of breath, and I thought I might hurl-I ran a mile.

I could do it.

And so I kept doing it. I kept running, and it kept getting easier. I kept running and I kept getting faster. I kept running, and soreness decreased and my endurance increased. In fact, yesterday I ran the longest distance I’ve ever run before-18 miles. And I didn’t stop. And I didn’t clench my fists, and I leaned into the hills, and I opened up my stride on the way down the hills. Thanks very much to Kristina Clairmont who took the time to joyfully believe in me, and run the slowest mile of her life-but the first mile of my life.

The Skinny Ms. Running Program for Beginners will help you take baby steps toward reaching your goals.

So, lucillethebrave1-my suggestion to you is to run with a (patient and kind) runner friend if you have one. And if you don’t have that luxury-that’s okay too, just run. Run as long and as far as you can today, and then tomorrow-run longer and farther. You might not like it right away, but don’t give up! You’ll soon find joy in your runs-in the music, in the great outdoors, in the time to clear your mind and refresh your body.

#Scripture                                  let us run with perseverence...Hebrews 12:1-2

Free printable of Isaiah 40:31 Bible verse:  "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (KJV)   (pink, green, and aqua floral)

A Prayer for Lancaster Bible College

As most of you know, I have the joy of working at my alma mater-Lancaster Bible College. I spent 4 years here earning my Bachelor of Science in Bible, and my Bachelor of Music in Music Performance. The meaningful class content, engaged faculty and staff, and deep-thinking fellow students transformed and trained my mind to think biblically. I loved my time here so much, that upon graduation-they couldn’t get rid of me! I work in the Admissions Department, had the privilege of earning my Master of Arts in Ministry through Capital Seminary and Graduate School and am now working towards my PhD in Leadership Studies. I am constantly impressed with the students I get to rub shoulders with here. I am encouraged by their passion for the gospel, for missions, and for discipleship. The leadership at LBC is par excellence-modeling humility, wisdom, ambition, personal care, and an enormous amount of servanthoodedness.

We received an email today from President Teague about this week’s biannual (self-funded) Board of Trustees retreat in Florida. They meet together to “develop a framework for our strategic plan for the next five years, focusing on six thematic areas of discussion that encompass initiatives related to recruiting and retention, program refinement, people development, fiscal strength, campus expansion and enhancements”.

He closes his email with the plea that “historically we have seen major decisions emerge from these times when trustees earnestly seek God’s leading for the future of LBC.  I ask that you uphold our Board of Trustees in prayer during three intense days of reflection, discussion, and strategic planning on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. “

When I look back on all the Lord has done in and through LBC in the last 5 years I am delightfully amazed. Off the top of my head, He has made happen the following: a library, dormitories, new degrees, new programs, new departments, athletic championships, a downtown presence, additional campus locations, not to mention the training of hundreds and hundreds of men and women to be loving and articulate salt and light in churches, schools, businesses, theatres, and society both here in the states and around the world.

All this to preface the fact that I want to post a prayer for our leaders this weekend. If you are a current student, alumni, friend of the college, faculty or staff-I encourage you to take some time to pray for them as well!

Dear Heavenly Father and High King,

First of all, thank you so much for the gift of salvation. Without your Son’s atoning death on the cross-we could neither come into your presence for help, nor desire to make you known and glorified. It is because you have made a way for us to be reconciled to you that we have purpose and joy. Our purpose and joy is in you; please help us to not forget that.

You have created and sustained Lancaster Bible College with the purpose of making Your Name great to every tribe, tongue, and nation. You have ordained everything concerning LBC from its location to its leadership-and we are grateful to be part of the work that you accomplish through this institution.

Right now, we lift up our servant leaders-Dr. Teague, Dr. Dearborn, John Zeswitz, Josh Beers, and the Board of Trustees. They each know and love you, Lord. They each believe in the mission of LBC to train men and women to think and live according to your precious, holy, inerrant Word. We pray that you, through the power of the Holy Spirit, give them wisdom, counsel, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control during these meetings. We know that true wisdom comes only from You, and they can do nothing apart from your gracious leading. We rely completely on you for guidance. As they plan for the coming years, grant them your absolute peace being confident that you know exactly what the next 5 years is going to look like. We know you have gone before us, Lord and so we pray for your direction as our leaders attempt to prepare for the days ahead. You are holy, omniscient, perfectly wise, faithful and absolutely sovereign over all of creation. Please show our leaders the steps to take so that You are magnified on this earth through LBC and more people can come to know you through our graduates. Also, we pray that their time in your Word this weekend especially is revitalizing and joyful.

We pray that our leaders rely on you and stay focused on your glory as they navigate complex and unknown waters. We praise you for being the only true God to whom no waters are complex or unknown. We thank you for the abundant blessings you have already bestowed upon our institution and ask for your continue guidance as we seek to be the best stewards of what you have given us.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus we pray-Amen.

What Do You Have to Complain About?

(I’m going to make this short :))

Are you a believer in Jesus Christ?

Do you believe that after this life is an eternity spent with our gracious, brilliant creator who DELIGHTS in us (Zephaniah 3:17)?

In thinking about eternity, Apostle Paul said that he doesn’t think that ANY sufferings he experienced are even worth comparing to the joys that are coming to him after his time on earth is through. And just as a reminder, that’s the Apostle Paul who was stoned and left for dead, beaten with rods, whipped with 39 lashes…5 times, attacked by mobs, shipwrecked, arrested, and had some sort of “thorn in his flesh”. Yeah, he says-it’s not even worth looking at the two to see if all the pain is worth it-it all totally is. Because this life is just a breath, and eternity is going to be perfectly perfect in every way.

So think about this the next time you want to complain-John Newton about the folly of complaining once said:

“Suppose a man was going to New York to take possession of a large estate, and his [carriage] should break down a mile before he got to the city, which obliged him to walk the rest of the way; what a fool we should think him, if we saw him ringing his hands, and blubbering out all the remaining mile, “My [carriage] is broken! My [carriage] is broken!”

You have been given one measly mile to walk-say 80 years on this earth. And maybe the road is hard, but it is one mile. One mile. And after that mile, long though it may seem, you are inheriting the most incomprehensibly glorious inheritance from your Father and King.

For more, listen to:

the terpblog: {Memory Verse Mania}: CHARACTER! Philippians 2:14 printable

Valentine’s Day Thoughts!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! And this is what it made me think about today:

Imagine the joy you would have if, come February 14th, outside your door is delivered a huge package! In this package are flowers, candies, your favorite (fill in the blank), and a brand new (fill in the blank)! Woo hoo! You love it! You look for a card, but it is nowhere to be found. You have no idea who it is from, who to thank, or therefore who loves you so much to shower you with such affection!

Imagine if instead, you receive that package, and know exactly who it is from! They’ve inserted a card expressing (as they do often) how much they love you, how much they love knowing you and being known by you, and how much joy you bring them.

Which recipient is happier? The one with the anonymous gift, or the one who can thank the one from whom the loving gifts came? I say, the one who can thank the giver-the one who knows what deep love is associated with this present! There is such joy in knowing the thoughts of intentionality and care behind gifts given!

In this same manner, we as believers are able to KNOW the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). Though the rest of the world can still experience laughter, Moose Tracks ice cream, sunsets, sleeping in on a rainy day, the smells of Christmas, and putting on clothes straight from the dryer-WE not only RECEIVE those gifts, but we also have “a card” (the Bible) telling us WHO gave us such amazing things and why! We can know that these gifts are given out of a deep love, joy, graciousness, and desire for intimacy. We can be thankful not just for the gifts, but for the Giver.

All that to say, take advantage of the fact that we can be more joyful and thankful for the pleasures of this life than people who do not know God. Whether you have a Valentine or not-you have been given a LOT! Maybe take some time and stop complaining about the ho-hums of life, and be thankful for the extravagant gifts we’ve been given. Focus on the love of Christ. Be amazed at the sacrifice and the care. Be enthralled with His desire to know you completely, and for you to know Him. Be thankful to the Giver.

Wait…I’m a Runner? When Did That Happen?

This morning was a pretty typical Tuesday. I woke up around 5:00am, picked up my friend Kelly on my way to the gym, we ran 7 hilly miles on the elliptical, stretched, chatted, stopped at Dunkin Doughnuts for coffee <3, and went back to our homes to get ready for our days.

And I love it.

I love starting my mornings early.

I love running.

(I love DD’s.) 

But today it kind of hit me, how much I delight in this training schedule I’m doing. I’m prepping for a half marathon in early March, and a full in late April, and I’m tickled by all of it.


Betty Pompell?

Likes running?

Are you as shocked as I am?

I remember a time I couldn’t run for more than 3 minutes (that is not a joke, I really couldn’t! Carrissa Oakes is my witness!). I remember a time I would have rather go down a sandpaper slide than run a mile! So how/when/why I am so pumped now to get miles under my shoes and get into that rhythm on the pavement?

Oh. That is a genuine question. I don’t really have an answer to it. I just know that I do.

And I know this: I am thankful for each opportunity I get to run. I am thankful to God, knowing that HE is the one that sustains my health and gives me the ability to wake up in the mornings, and move throughout the trail. HE is the one that keeps my feet under me and blesses me at the end of each run with endorphins and the mind and ability to stretch. HE created this beautiful world to enjoy the scenery during an outside jog. HE gave me eyes to see this world-and even its colors! HE brilliantly created technology and electronics for my days on the treadmill. It’s only because of HIS grace that I have two working ears and can hear beautiful melody lines and awesome rhythmic masterpiece on my phone while I run. And it is only because of HIM that I can experience the joy that it is to see and worship HIM, the source and sustainer of all these magnificent things!

So whether you love to run or hate to run or fall somewhere in between-you have to admit that we serve a pretty awesome God. Maybe take some time today and think about something you find happiness in, and brainstorm all the ways that God is actually responsible for that happiness. Leave me a comment below on what you come up with! I’d love to see your thoughts!