What Calvin and Hobbes Tell Us About God

My younger brother owns all of Bill Watterson’s Calvin and Hobbes. We’ve spent hours reading them out loud to each other, laughing all the while at these brilliantly crafted funnies. What a great time!  Along with comic strips, I love (appropriate) comedies, the humor section on Pinterest, and friends that laugh with me, at me, and make me laugh.

Don’t we all?

Isn’t there something wonderful about humor?

Scripture tells us that “ever good and perfect gift comes from above” (James 1:17). And I am pretty darn tootin’ sure that includes laughter.

You know, He didn’t HAVE to create us with funny bones; we would have functioned just fine without them. We wouldn’t have known what we were missing if He had never designed us to throw up heads back and roar with laughter, or laugh so hard that we cry, pee ourselves (cough, cough, Carrissa) or until our abs hurt.

But instead he made us to be creatures capable of joy and laughter-solely because of His grace! He made it so “a joyful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs 17:22) and gave us times to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3:4)!

God is infinitely more creative, kind, and brilliant that I can even begin to imagine. But today I read a classic comic strip and was reminded of a small part of his graciousness, and so I praise Him for it.

What’s something YOU can praise God for today?